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What you Need To Know
American Rescue Plan (ARP)

Image by Patrick Fore


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Did You Know?

The City of McKeesport and McKeesport Area School District will receive millions of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding??


City of McKeesport

24 million (24,753.914.00)


McKeesport School District

16 million (16,990,518.00

What is arp?

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021  purpose is to provide equitable recovery for communities experiencing effects from the pandemic and the ongoing recession. US Department of Treasury has encouraged receipients to provide assistance to those households, businesses, and nonprofits in communities most disproportionately impacted by the pandemic .

Fund Usage

  • Support public health expenses

  • Address negative impact caused by public health crisis

  • Replace lost public sector revenue

  • Provide premium pay for essential workers

  • Invest in water, sewer and broadband infrastructure (internet).

Below you can check out the detailed overview about the ARP Act from the purpose, fund usage, as well as details about the various recipients and amounts expected to be dispersed. 

TAMV news and updates- ARP.png


Let's ensure all residents and stakeholders know what's going on and has a voice in how this funding will be used to support the community 

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