
Get Out The Lead Campaign
Take Action Advocacy Group and Women for a Healthy Environment have partnered to focus on impacted environmental justice communities to educate, train, and promote health equity. We will specifically be working in the City of McKeesport to teach youth, residents, landlords, and government officials about the dangers of lead.
We are seeking community champions to join us in our efforts. These champions can be individuals residing in the City of McKeesport or organizations with experience advocating for environmental justice in Black communities.
Community Champions

Community Residents & Members
What We Expect From Our Champions
Participants will receive a stipend of $250 ​
Show genuine interest in learning more about environmental justice
Be a directly impacted community member/resident who lives in McKeesport
Active Member of the Get Out The Lead McKeesport Campaign
Empower and educate residents on the risks of lead exposure and ways to address the issue
Raise awareness about lead and other environmental justice matters in McKeesport
Effectively engage with community stakeholders
Attend 1 or 2 training sessions hosted by TAAG and WHE

Community organizations & groups
What We Expect From Our Champions
Endorse the Get Out The Lead McKeesport campaign
Share campaign information on social media and in their networks
Support additional lead and environmental justice initiatives
Attend and support community events
Have experience advocating for environmental justice in Black communities
Complete the organization champion assessment and commitment form