TAAG offers community consulting, workshops/training, and community accountability meetings to community partners, leaders, organizations, and individuals. The focus is around all forms of community violence such as structural/systematic racism and neighborhood violence/conflict resolution. Our CEO & Co-Founder does more intense consulting if needed.
Consulting With Fawn Walker-Montgomery
As a consultant Fawn’s mission is to change systems by electing new leaders, impacting present leaders through organizational change, challenging the status quo with advocacy & organizing, and supporting impactful community organizations. This mission is further reflected in the range of services Fawn provides:
Organizational Training & Development
Child and Family Advocacy
Group, Peer, Citizen, and Professional Advocacy
Community Organizing, Development and Program Planning
Strategic and Campaign Plan Development
Facilitate Community Meetings and Panels
Organizational & Municipal Policy Development
Grant Writing
Political Consulting
Non-Profit Business Consulting
Basic Flyers
Document presentation creation
Cover Letters & Resumes
Fawn has a BA from Johnson C. Smith University (HBCU) and a Master’s in Criminal Justice Administration from Point Park University. With over eighteen years of experience in politics, community organizing, advocacy, and non-profit management, Fawn focuses on the following specific consulting services:
Non-Partisan Political Consulting: Manage local (city council/school board etc.) and statewide campaigns for prospective candidates; elected officials; individuals; groups; communities and organizations.
Community: Help communities; non-profits; churches; individuals; families; community-based organizations & leaders to effectively mobilize around issues they care about.
Organizational: Assist organizations with team building; problem-solving; media management; program development; staff training; diversity/inclusion; grant writing and process/policy development.
TAMV Community Consulting Services
For individuals, community groups, churches, small nonprofits, etc. who are looking to make a change in their community. Here we do community and individual training on organizing, social justice, starting an initiative in your community, movement building, abolition, organizing, action planning, Black liberation, protest/call to action planning, systematic/structural racism, meeting facilitation and strategic planning, etc. In addition, assist people in starting a TAAG chapter in their community.